Next Steps

We look forward to learning from how you use the materials in this guide to improve documentation and assessment in your makerspace or classroom. As you approach designing new units or activities, use guiding questions based on the Beyond Rubrics principles to support your activity and assessment design process:

Please share any maker assessment designs and processes you are working on with us!

On Twitter: @playfulMIT & @MakerEdOrg using #beyondrubrics

Or drop us a note on our website.

  • The Open Portfolio Project: This collaboration between Maker Ed and Indiana University’s Creativity Labs aims to develop a common framework for documenting, sharing, and assessing learning through portfolios.

  • MetaRubric: This playful learning experience is designed to show how complex, and even fun, assessment can be. You will create a creative project and a rubric with colleagues while discussing how you might best design rubrics to assess creative, original projects.

  • Assessing Creativity in Computing Classrooms: This report from the Creative Computing Lab at Harvard Graduate School of Education includes four case studies and 50 assessments drawn from interviewing 80 PK-12 teachers across the US. It provides perspectives on how to assess creative work and contains design principles which are useful for maker-centered learning as well.